Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who faces criticism from the four sides on economic front, has received news that he is shaking hands. GDP growth in the second quarter of July-September of 2017-18 has increased to 6.3%. This rate was only 5.3 percent in the first quarter. Which was at the lowest level in the last three years.
According to the data released by the government, this is the first image of GDP growth after the implementation of GDP since July 1. It has come to the fore that positive results of GDP have started and next time the economy is getting more and more improved.
It is also possible to conclude that the effects of note-ban have been abolished. Various companies are also coming up for investment and this can increase employment as well as increase employment.
According to the data released by the government, this is the first image of GDP growth after the implementation of GDP since July 1. It has come to the fore that positive results of GDP have started and next time the economy is getting more and more improved.
It is also possible to conclude that the effects of note-ban have been abolished. Various companies are also coming up for investment and this can increase employment as well as increase employment.